How does cryptocurrency wallet work ?
In real world people use leather wallets to store their assets and credit cards likewise in crypto world the people use cryptocurrency wallet to store their digital assets. Crypto Wallet - So What is it ? Cryptocurrency wallet is a program code that is used to store,send and receive crypto assets. It is termed as a secured place to store your cryptocurrencies. There are many kinds of crypto wallets such as mobile wallet, desktop wallet, hardware wallet and more. How do they work ? Cryptocurrency Wallet works as if like a safety box that we use to store more valuable or important assets/objects. When someone send cryptocoins or tokens to someone, they are signing off the ownership of the crypto assets to receiving party’s wallet address. In order to use or spend those coins , receiver must have the private key that matches the public address in which the crypto coins is assigned to. When you hold digital assets in crypto wallet, there is no excuse for you to take c...