Centralized Applications Vs Decentralized Applications

Here let us look at the major difference between centralized and decentralized applications.

Centralized Applications or Traditional Application uses two important elements called front end and Back end. Here a single server will contain all the logic to conduct the further necessary steps. The Server will receive your request, process it, saves what it needs, and returns the correct response.

With Decentralized Applications, all nodes in a network receive the logic that is stored within your contract. Once the contract is mined, then all the nodes in the network will receive the same logic and it will be saved on the Blockchain. When you interact with the contract, the same signal must be processed with the stored logic

In Traditional Centralized web Applications, there will be a centralized server for hosting. This makes quite easier for the attackers to interrupt the hosting servers. Hackers can easily do alterations in the stored data.

But, in the case of DApp, it works on the decentralized server model. Hence it requires the participation of every element on the network for modifying or taking control of any information.
DApps run on a blockchain – one of the most well-known blockchains is the Ethereum network. Today there are over 1000 dApps built on Ethereum.

Ethereum was the first Independent Blockchain platform and quickly became adopted as the platform of choice for dApp development. Out of 100 dApps top 91 is built on Ethereum.

You can contact Bitdeal - Leading Dapp Development Company to get developed your dapp on popular blockchain network such as TRON, EOS anf Ethereum.

They provide end-to-end dapp development services for more than 20+ industries with 100% proven outputs and happy clients across the world.

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