What are dapps ?

The concept of decentralization created a big hype in the cryptocurrency trade world. This decentralization payed the way for the birth of "decentralized application" or "dapp".


Dapp or decentralized app is one which doesnot involve central authority to connect the user and the application. The application gets connected to the users automatically.Dapp eliminates the participation of thrid parties as intermediaries.

Dapp follows the decentralization process. The app is connected with ethereum blockchain network. Ethereum blockchain makes Dapps move forward. The concept of smart contract helps dapp works better on blockchain.

Advantages of Dapps

Inborn Security

As dapp uses blockchain to store data , no one can hack or alter the content of data stored on blockchain. Because blockchain stores the data in such a way that untill all the individuals or hosts connceted in the blockchain accept the changes , there will never be any alteration of data . Since all the data stored are encrypted by hash codes .

Acceptance of Cryptocurrency

The main advantage of dapp is that it supports cryptocurrency. Centralized applications doesnot work well for cryptocurrency business but Dapps works well for all kind of businesses.
Dapps that uses cryptocurrencies will create token for their own platform. The token creation is always based on ethereum blockchain technology. ERC -20 standard makes it easy to create  tokens.

Unacceptable of authority

All dapps are designed with independency . Thus they doesnot require any central authority or developers to make decisions . They work on their own set of way automatically.

Possible for Innovations

The complete  potential of dApps has not yet been realized. Since  these applications inherents freedom from outside intervention has made dApps increasingly popular . As technology is also moving fast and the developers are also interested towards dapp developemnt , there are more and more dapps enters in to the market .


To get a demo for your dapp , you can contact Bitdeal , a well-known ethereum dapp development company . They furnishes you the best dapp development at affordable cost with all time customer support .

Get a demo for your dapp project now!!


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